Ricardo Rosal

3 - Second law of thermodynamics and Conservation Law

The second law of thermodynamics helps us understand which processes can only happen in one direction (irreversible) and which ones can go both ways (reversible). There are different ways to explain this law. One way involves looking at the flow of entropy in an open system and considering the irreversibility linked to a process.

Irreversibility is a key concept that becomes clearer when we talk about cycles, like in a refrigeration system. Picture this: the more things in the cycle that can't easily be undone (like pressure drops, inefficient heat transfers, or mechanical friction), the harder the system has to work to keep going. Irreversibilities can include stuff like pressure changes, how heat is exchanged between different-temperature fluids, and friction in mechanical parts.

Here's the cool part: making a cycle work better means cutting down on these irreversibilities. It's like smoothing out the bumps. And when you get rid of all the bumps (or irreversibilities), a cycle reaches its best efficiency. So, in real-world applications, we often try to minimize or eliminate anything that makes a process less efficient to make things run as smoothly and effectively as possible.

$[\text{entropy added}]+[\text{entropy generated}]=[\text{increase of stored entropy}]$

$dQ_{system}=\frac{\delta Q}{T}+\delta m_i s_i - \delta m_e s_e + dI$

  • $dQ_{system}$ is the total change within the system;
  • $\frac{\delta Q}{T}$ entropy change caused by reversible heat transfer between system and surroundings at temperature T;
  • $\delta m_i s_i$ entropy increased caused by the mass entering;
  • $\delta m_e s_e$ entropy decreased caused by the mass leaving;
  • $dI$ entropy caused by irreversibilities.